Landykes: Our Stories In Our Own Words.

So, you did not write your story. Here is another chance.

Contributors have received a copy of the book. If you did not tell your story or someone else was writing about the land (You still have your own story), or you are not yet on land or disqualified yourself for some other reason, we still want your story. 

Our first distribution of the anthology material will be to those who tell their stories. We are trying to re-establish a participatory community culture that makes social change rather than reinforce a consumer culture.

Write your story in 2 - 3 pages.

We will print up all contributions as an addendum.

More Stories of Lesbians and Land, and send to all the archives that receive the book Landykes: Our Stories In Our Own Words. As a contributor, you will receive a copy of both. We are especially interested in stories that reflect the diversity of the landyke community. Land connection can be individual or community intentional living, livelihood, retreat, festival, wilderness, apprenticeships, environmental restoration……..

PLEASE READ VERY CAREFULLY We need to receive your story by August 1, 2023, in exactly this form below, fully in a single email to

Answer every item. Do not send partial responses or multiple emails. No exceptions, please, to be considerate of volunteers.


1 The title of your piece 

2 Your name as you want it to appear

3 The name of land(s) referenced and general or more specific location as you wish

4 Your article as it will be printed without further editing. You alone are responsible for content. Do not send it in doc or apps. Copy and paste directly into the body of the email. 

5 Thanks to any collaborators or land mates you wish to acknowledge.

6 Acknowledgement of publication by name if this is a reprint or an earlier version of this article appeared elsewhere.

7 Any contact information you want to be published with article.

8 A one line answer to What is it about being a Landyke you treasure, are proud of?

9 You may send one photograph. It should be a jpeg. or png. or pdf. Include statement from you that you have permission from all persons. If you want a caption, please include at the end of your article.

10 Your name and mailing address for USPS, and the email address you have used with us.

Thank you. Please double check you have answered all completely before sending. Do not expect a reply. Your story matters! Ours is a participatory cultural movement.

On Our Own Terms: Access, Ownership, Conservation and Transfer of Lesbian Land

Lesbian Natural Resources was formed at the confluence of creativity, feminist discourse, and idealism that is Lesbian Land, and also the turmoil of financial insolvency, legal challenges to land titles, and inequities in access by women of color, women with disabilities, and women in poverty.

The goals of Lesbian Natural Resources are, and always have been, to create durable legal and financial structures to open the possibilities of Lesbian Land to any Lesbian with commitment to Lesbian space now and in the future.

Because Lesbian Natural Resources is founded on a belief that Lesbians become our best selves when free to explore skills, ideas, and ways of relating beyond cultural restrictions, the importance of Lesbian Land has never  been greater. This manual and self study guide are meant to facilitate intergenerational and intercultural discussions to promote and protect the most valuable resources of all: strong, Lesbian-identified Lesbians. To this end, we hope this resource is of value.

On Our Own Terms is available in pdf by request from

If you are hosting or tabling at an event where new landykes, or landykes transitioning title to them gather, you may request 10 or more print copies to distribute, by emailing at least one month in advance.